
Catholic Engaged Encounter is a wonderful gift to give your fiance and yourself or an engaged couple you know. Through the years most of the couples that attended our weekends left having had the experience of a lifetime. Take a few moment to enjoy some of the wonderful comments they share with us about our weekends.
This was the best thing that could have happened to our relationship. I feel that we have accomplished talking about issues that we haven't been able to agree on before, and I feel a lot closer to my fiance'.
Although I started with low expectations, this weekend has been very fruitful. I have learned a lot spiritually and emotionally, and increased that very special bond that I have with my fiance'. But not only is that bond strengthened, but so is the bond I have with God, and the bond with my family. Additionally, I have grown as a person, and in my willingness to share my thoughts and feelings with my fiance'.
It has brought me closer to my fiance and opened up avenues for us to explore and discover with one another. This will be invaluable to us....
It was an intense period of spiritual, relationship, and marriage enrichment. I think it has paved the way for us to discuss issues which have yet to be addressed and reinforced issues that we have addressed.
This weekend - I truly thought would be some long lame torturous thing, but really it has helped me to get back to the basics of why I chose this man. Life was really getting in between us lately with work and family, but this weekend brought us so much closer. We decided how to handle many issues that were playing in the back of both of our minds. I shared fears and anxieties about marriage and have left here more in love than I arrived. I am so glad we were forced to do this. Sadly, we would have never came willingly.
Since I am not Catholic, this weekend has given me an opportunity to spend some time getting closer to my future wife's religion. Also, the topics that were discussed clearly will help make our relationship smoother....
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